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    The company was founded in 1955 by Helmut and Barbara Klein as the first company in the world selling reproduction rights as Helmut Klein INTERLITHO. The business has grown very fast due to strong suppliers in Europe, the USA, Latin America up to Australia and a continously growing network of artists for the own collection.
    In addition the business region has been extended from Europe to the States as well as to Latin America and later on also to the Far East.
    The business has been taken over by Andreas Klein, who started already way back in 1984 and his wife Anke, who is the licensing director and also a lawyer, she joined in 1997.
    Within a short time representatives for different parts of the world as well as a Licensing Agency in the USA were added to the team at the main office in Cologne.
    The customers range from smaller printers to big publishers like Hallmark licensees, Ravensburger Spiele Verlag, etc. with products covering greeting cards, albums, stationery, puzzles & games, textile products,tin articles to name just a few.
    Now with a collection of about 80.000 designs and 50.000 sold licenses with a value of more than 50 Mio. US$, INTERLITHO LICENSING (formerly INTERLITHO de COLOGNE) has a solid base for the future to cover and to capture the design needs of the industry and publishers.


    INTERLITHO LICENSING liefert Ihnen Motive für Ihre Produkte.
    Seit 1955 verkaufen wir Reproduktionsrechte und Lizenzen an Kunden in aller Welt. Wir haben eine Kollektion von mehr als 80.000 modernen und klassischen Zeichnungen und Fotos in bester Qualität geeignet für Glückwunschkarten, Schul– und Schreibartikel, Kalender, Alben, Poster, Geschenkpapier, Blechartikel, Tragetaschen, Puzzles, Tischsets und für viele andere Produkte.
    Von uns bekommen Sie Ganzjahres-Motive genauso wie Motive für besondere Gelegenheiten wie Hochzeit, Baby, Ostern, Kommunion und Konfirmation, Valentinstag, Sport und Trauer.

    Ebenso haben wir niedliche Tier- und Kindermotive, aber auch realistisch gezeichnete Tiere, Landschaften, Party-Einladungen und religiöse Szenen für Sie und vor allem eine große Auswahl an Weihnachtsmotiven sowie Motive für Geschenkpapier. Unsere Motive sind selbstverständlich als hochauflösende Daten in 300 dpi lieferbar.

    Wir stellen auf verschiedenen Messen aus bzw. besuchen die folgenden Messen: Paperworld in Frankfurt, Birmingham Spring Fair, Surtex in New York, Licensing Show in Las Vegas und die Gift & Premium Fair in Hongkong um nur einige zu nennen. Wir arbeiten mit vielen verschiedenen Kunden weltweit zusammen wie z.B. Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Hasbro, Danbury Mint, Scandecor, Horn, Educa, Clementoni, Herlitz, Hallmark und Hama, so daß Sie Produkte mit unseren Motiven sowohl in großen Warenhäusern als auch in Supermarkt-Ketten wie ALDI oder in Möbelhäusern wie IKEA finden können.

    Wir freuen uns darauf, bald auch mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten,
    mit besten Grüßen aus Köln

    Anke und Andreas Klein


    INTERLITHO LICENSING provides you with images and licenses for your products.
    We sell reproduction rights already since 1955 to customers worldwide and offer a range of more than 80.000 modern and classical images and photos in best quality for: greeting cards, stationery, calendars, albums, posters, gift wrap, tin articles, bags, puzzles, placemats and many other products.

    We provide everyday images as well as images for special occasions like baby, wedding, eastern, communion, sympathy, cute and realistic animals, party invitations, landscapes, religious scenes, sports, valentine and a large variety of Christmas images and also gift wrap designs. All our images are available as high resolution data (300 dpi,tif,cmyk).

    We exhibit or attend fairs like the Paperworld in Frankfurt, the Birmingham Spring Fair, the Licensing Show in Las Vegas, Surtex in New York and the Gift & Premium Fair in Hongkong.

    We work together with customers all over the world like Danbury Mint, Hallmark, Horn, Herlitz, Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Hasbro, Scandecor, Educa, Clementoni, teNeues, so that you can find products with our images in big department stores but also in supermarket chains like ALDI or furniture stores like IKEA.

    We look forward to co-operating with you soon.

    Best regards

    Andreas and Anke Klein


    INTERLITHO LICENSING prove usted con motivos y licencias para sus productos.
    Vendemos derechos de reproducción yá desde el año 1955 á clientes en todo el mundo.
    Tenemos una colección grande de más de 80.000 diseños modernos y clássicos en la mejor calidad usable para:
    tarjetas, articulos escolares, calendários, posters, rompe cabezas, albumes, papeles de regalo, articulos de hojalata, bolsas, manteles y otras productos más.

    Podemos suministrar dibujos y photos para toda occasión pero también para occasiones especiales como casamiento, bébé, pascua, comunión, lutos, deporte, San Valentin. Tenemos también motivos de animalitos y de niños, paisajes, lindas señoritas, motivos religiosos y dibujos realísticos. Además tenemos un gran sortido de motivos de navidad y motivos para papel de regalo.
    Todos los motivos podemos suminstrar en datos de alta resolución en CD-Rom con 300 dpi.

    Exponemos en o visitamos varias ferias como: la Paper World Premiere en Frankfurt, la Birmingham Spring Fair, Surtex en Nueva York, Licensing Show en Las Vegas, la Escolar en Sao Paulo, la Gift & and Premium Fair en Hongkong.

    Trabajamos conjunto con companías en todo el mundo como Educa, Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Hasbro, Hallmark, Danbury Mint, Scandecor, Clementoni, Horn, Herlitz, Henzo, teNeues, así que se puede encontrar productos con diseños de nosotros en varios lugares como en grandes almacenes como El Corte Ingles pero también en grandes supermercados como ALDI o en tiendras de muebles como IKEA.

    Seria una gran alegría de trabajar consunto también con usted en breve.


    Anke y Andreas Klein


    INTERLITHO LICENSING est dans la mesure de vous proposer un large éventail de dessins et de licences enrichissant l'entièreté de votre gamme de produits.
    Notre entreprise, fondée en 1955, fait du commerce avec des droits de reproduction respectivement des licences avec des clients situés à travers le monde entier; la collection proposée comprend plus que 80.000 dessins et photos modernes et classiques d'une excellente qualité convenant à vos cartes de voeux, articles scolaires, calendriers, albums, posters, papiers de cadeaux, articles de tôle, sacs en papier, puzzles, sets de table etc.

    INTERLITHO LICENSING vous livre des dessins et motifs pour les articles de la vie quotidienne ainsi que pour des occasions spéciales comme un mariage, une naissance, une communion, une confirmation, un décès, un événement sportif ou des jours fériés comme Paques respectivement Saint Valentin.
    Notre entreprise vous propose des dessins mignons d' animaux et d' enfants ainsi que des images de paysages; notre offre comprend aussi des motifs pour vos cartes d'invitations ainsi qu' une grande sélection de dessins de Noël et de motifs pour vos papiers de cadeaux.
    Il s'entend de soi que tous les motifs sont livrables en tant qu'images à haute résolution (300dpi).

    INTERLITHO LICENSING a le plaisir de vous informer de sa participation aux foires Paper World à Frankfurt, Birmingham Spring Fair, Licensing Show en Las Vegas à Surtex en New York et la Gift & Premium Fair à Hongkong ainsi que de sa coopération avec de nombreuses entreprises à travers le monde comme par exemple Hasbro, Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Horn, Herlitz, Hallmark, Danbury Mint, Scandecor, Educa, Clementoni, teNeues.
    Par conséquent vous trouverez nos dessins et motifs sur des produits vendus dans des grandessurfaces comme Aldi ou Carrefour ou des magasins de meubles d'IKEA.
    Nous serions heureux de vous pouvoir vous présenter notre collection dans un proche avenir.

    Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'assurance de notre
    considération très distinguée.

    Anke et Andreas Klein


    Interlitho LICENSING fornisce motivi e immagini per i vostri prodotti.
    Dal 1955, vendiamo i diritti di riproduzione e licenze a clienti in tutto il mondo.
    Offriamo una collezione di oltre 80.000 disegni, foto e immagini classiche e moderne di alta qualità per biglietti di auguri, scuola, cancelleria, calendari, album, poster, carta da regalo, prodotti in lamiera, borse, sacchetti, puzzle, tovagliette e molti altri prodotti.
    È possibile ottenere disegni per tutte le stagioni dell’anno così come immagini per
    occasioni speciali come matrimoni, nascite, lutto, pasqua, comunione, cresima, San Valentino, sport, ecc.
    Offriamo inoltre una vasta gamma di disegni artistici ed immagini con graziosi bambini, paesaggi, animali, scene religiose con una grande selezione di temi natalizi, anche per carta da regalo.
    Naturalmente, le nostre immagini sono disponibili in formato dati, ad alta risoluzione (300 dpi).

    Per citarne alcune, esponiamo per esempio nelle seguenti fiere: Paperworld a Francoforte, Birmingham Spring Fair, Surtex a New York, Licensing Show a Las Vegas, Gift & Premium Fair di Hong Kong.
    Cooperiamo con diversi clienti, come Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Hasbro,Danbury Mint, Scandecor, Horn, Educa, Clementoni, Herlitz, Hallmark in modo che i nostri prodotti con le nostre immagini si possono trovare sia in
    grandi magazzini sia in catene di supermercati come Aldi o in negozi di arredamento e mobili per esempio IKEA.

    INFO PER ARTISTI: La nostra agenzia cerca costantemente bravi artisti e nuovi talenti. Siamo interessati a conoscere il vostro materiale.
    Inviate JPGs a bassa risoluzione tramite e-mail o CD.
    Saremo lieti di poter collaborare con voi.
    Saluti da Colonia

    Anke e Andreas Klein


    INTERLITHO LICENSING fornece vôcé com motivos e licencas para os seus produtos.
    Vendemos direitos de reproducção já do ano 1955 a clientes em tudo mundo.
    Temos uma colecção de mais que 80.000 disenhos e imagens modernos e clássicos do melhor qualidade para:
    cartões, articulos escolares, calendarios, albuns, posters, papeis de presente, articulos de lata, sacos de papel, cabre cabezas, toalhas e muitos otros produtos.

    Provemos vôcé com disenhos de toda ocasião más também motivos para ocasiões especiais como casamento, bébé, Pascoa, comunhão, tristeza, desporto, San Valentin, animais engraçados e realísticos, motivos de e para crianças, paisagens, motivos religiosos. Demais temos uma gran selecção de motivos de Natal et finalmente também para papeis de presente.
    Todos motivos podemos entregar como datos da alta resolução com 300 dpi.

    Expomos ou visitamos varias feiras como por exemplo: a Paper World em Frankfurt, a Birmingham Spring Fair, a Escolar em Anhembi, a Licensing Show em Nova York, e a Gift & Premium Fair em Hongkong.

    Trabalhamos comjunto com firmas comerciais em todo o mundo como com Educa, Hasbro, Hallmark, Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Danbury Mint, Scandecor, Clementoni, Horn, Herlitz, teNeues, así que se pode emcontrar produtos com nossos motivos em varios lugares como em grandes armázens mais também em grandes supermercados como ALDI ou Carrefour ou em armázens de móveis como IKEA.


    Anke e Andreas Klein


    INTERLITHO LICENSING продает лицензии на использование дизайнов в печатной продукции: открыток, календарей, альбомов, школьных принадлежностей, пазлов, тетрадей и т.д..
    Наша фирма основана в 1955 году и известна во всём мире.
    INTERLITHO LICENSING представляет свою коллекцию на выставках: Paper World во Франкфурте, Spring Fair в Бирмингеме, выставке игрушек в Нюрнберге, Photokina в Кёльне, Licensing Fair в Нью-Йорке и т. д..

    Наша коллекция содержит около 80.000 высококачественных дизайнов. Все изображения имеют разрешение не менее 300 dpi, в качестве носителя информации используется upload.

    Темы дизайнов разнообразны: Рождество и Новый год, свадба, День Святого Валентина, Пасха, цветы, спорт и т.д.
    Продукцию с нашими дизайнами можно увидет в Karstadtе или IKEA, так как к нашими клиентам принадлежат : Ravensburger, Schmidt Spiele, Hasbro, Danbury Mint, Marian Heath, Scandecor, Horn, Educa, Clementoni, Herlitz, Hallmark, teNeues и Hama.
    Для нас создают: Sue Allison, Luis Bargallo, Leslie Barton, Isabella Angelini, Maria Monticelli и Patricia Adams.

    Мы рады сотрудничать с вами.
    Анке и Андреас Клайн

    Art submission

    Many thanks to you for your interest in INTERLITHO LICENSING. As an agency we are always on the lookout for talented new artists. With pleasure we would like to look at your artwork. Please send us JPGs, coloured photos or copies or a CD of your work. These will only be returned if you include a self addressed envelope.

    If you have any more questions please call +49-221-9405830 or email us.

    Thank you for your interest, we look forward to seeing your artwork.


    Please contact us to make an appointment

    It would be a pleasure to meet you in person at one of the following trade fairs:

  • Atlanta Gift Show - 10.01. until 15.01.23
  • Nuremberg Toy Fair - 01.02. until 05.02.23
  • Frankfurt Paperworld / Christmasworld /Ambiente - 03.02. until 07.02.23
  • ISM Cologne - 23.04. until 25.04.23
  • Birmingham Spring Fair - 05.02. until 08.02.23
  • Licensing Show Las Vegas - 13.06. until 15.06.23
  • BLE London - 20.09. until 22.09.23
  • NY Toy Fair - 30.09. until 03.10.23

  • Protection of reproduction rights

    Anke Klein the Licensing director of INTERLITHO LICENSING GmbH is also a lawyer and attorney-at-law specialised in the protection of copyrights and intellectual property as well as of trademarks. She is a senior partner of the RSUW Rechtsanwälte Schindler & Klein PartG mbB located in Cologne that specialises in business, competition and corporate law.

    This gives us the possibility to provide you with any legal advice or legal action you might require for Germany or Europe and to protect you from infringements regarding your products, brands and rights.
    Please let us know if we can be of any assistance for you.


    The designs from INTERLITHO LICENSING are developed in cooperation with our customers to suit their specific demands and needs. New designs and photographic images are immediately available as high resolution data and so permit fast further and inexpensive adaptation to your particular products, sizes and specific products requirements.

    The designs and images are created in close cooperation with designers and artists worldwide. We work with them together from the concept to the sketch over the colour composition up to the finished commercial design. Thus, a continous flow of eye catching modern and advanced designs as well as of traditional designs can be assured.

    To obtain the exclusive transfer of temporary reproduction right of our designs and images for commercial use a written agreement is being concluded between both parties. After receipt of payment of the agreed one-time fee or the upfront guarantee of an agreed license the exclusive reproduction rights are being temporarily transferred and the high resolution data is submitted by ftp or online transfer.

    You can see our designs and images either by visiting us in our head office in Cologne or by telling us your special demands so that we can send you digital files or print outs according to your needs from which you do your choice then. In addition we exhibit at international trade fairs as for example the New York Licensing Fair, the Paper World in Frankfurt and the Birmingham Spring Fair and we are holding private exhibitions every year in North America, Latin America most countries of Europe and parts of Asia.